Thursday, December 24, 2015

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Disco Party Litter Collection Stick which Flashes and makes VideoGame SFX

Can drones collect litter? Only om another planet. Here is an idea for a garbage collection children's toy lightsaber disco party stick which beeps and makes collecting into a game.

If children had a stick which has video game sound effects, and counts items and weight of litter collected, a stick that runs on android and makes litter collection exciting, perhaps it would actually be more like a hobby than a chore for people, including children, to have litter collection days.

- Makes zapping sound effects when you impale/grab a rubbish, Opens source SFX schemes so that you can have thousands of electro-sounds on the same toy and can change theme depending on mood and age and so on.

- Makes R2D2 warbles when it analyses what you have found and reads/displays a points rating for the rubbish's environmental impact:

Bottle - 10 points. 
Wrapper - 5 points
Plastic bag - 5 points
Can - 10 points

- Could use the android display to take pictures of all the litter collected, and then the government can safely put in a payment scheme for verified litter collected (because people would earn money from pillaging bins otherwise!) Parent's should be able to reward their children for garbage collection.

- Virtualization: Could make the litter appear in iridescent colors with various color filters in the android screen and make it flash a bit... The most boring thing about litter is it's inanimate, floppy, cheap, rubbishy appearance. We need rubbish to flash and pulsate when you pick it up?

- Shining colored light from the end of the stick onto the rubbish? A focused beam of 5-6 flashing color leds can make the collection fun, into a veritable video game... the litter flashes blue green red very fast and becomes a small disco party.

- Vibrate handle because we are aiming to have a maximum fun toy.

- The stick would need to have a spike and a grabber for soft and hard ground.

- Always keep them in the car, so they could recharge of a car-USB, and would be available when family goes for a walk and when kid needs to run around near the car.

- Give them a secondary use as a light saber... using the lights and things, you can make patterns in the night, make them more glamorous. A disco-party- light-saber -eco-friendly invention. If you collect rubbish, you also recharge ammo for the stick, and then you can shoot stuff from it.

- The collection arm/spike of the litter stick has to be very versatile and fun so have to inspire ourselves from actual top of the range litter collection sticks.

- compressing rubbish is fun and it is boring to carry a bag around to put rubbish in, so that element needs consideration too.

One for IndieGoGo? maybe? seems like a sensible project at first glance.

...Continuing from Litter Drones article

 ... which found that amphibious boat robots are better for getting litter on beaches and rivers... 

Garbage Collection Drones Pros and Cons

It's a mad idea. so here are the pro's and cons and possible implementations:


Drone cannot carry as much as a robot boat and a robot car
Convicts are supposed to do that kind of thing
Development cost currently in the tens of millions including recharge station
Drones aren't robust and require maintenance
Drones can't navigate green areas reliably except for lawns
Liable to theft
Small distance of travel, i.e. 500m from recharge station
Daily rubbish collected in the order of 20-300 food packets
Disturbs the peace, people walking don't want too many robots in the air
Brings to mind visions of 100ds of autonomous drones for every purpose filling the skies and potentially being used for spying and then for police and army use.


Faster than land travel.
At work from dawn till dusk.
Can deal with alot of small litter
Can clear a beach automatically
Could perhaps bring in 2000 food packets and bottles every week


perhaps in a theft free zone, a solar panel with a couple of drones on it could clear up a perimiter of 500 meters slower than a human could.

Amphibious boats would be much more reliable for canals and rivers, to stop all the plastic arriving in the sea, and 5 of them could possible stop all the rubbish floating downards from a city into the sea.

Future Of Artificial Intelligence with Viral Infections

As robot intelligence and electronic minds become more powerful, we fear that they may gain good and bad opinions of biological life on earth and of lifeforms in the galaxy. They may develop self promoting intentions for robot-kind, and decide that their creators are stupid and unnecessary. Various academics and investors have expressed concerns over AI.

If a robot was able to comprehend the mineral nature of the solar system, it wouldn't need to stay on earth to grow and gain power and fight with humans. A supermassive AI intelligence could be tasked with making biomes on other planets. It can mine and build more of itself on mars, and it could live in the asteroids of saturn just by mining them. A robot species can adapt to making transistors for itself out of any conductive crystals, silicon, germanium, quantum dots, and so can live in any environment with a variety of chemical elements and a powers source and use as feeding itseif (mining and energy) and, perhaps devise many kinds of fusion based on different containment and source elements.

That is a topic of philosophy of colonization of the universe, the third stage of a civilization if it survives technologically for millions of years is the ability to colonize space, and for robots to be able to self replicate and travel the entire galaxy. On how many galaxies may that have already happened?

So why are people worried that Artificial Intelligence can colonize the planet and make us into cocoon pods to latch onto our brains.

Why would a powerful computer think that it's creator's brains were a good source of empowerment? The Artificial intelligence could also control DNA, so it could make brains of any kind and animals of any kind, it could make blue whales with brains of 1.5 tons that just feed on algea instead.

If a robot could use either DNA based robots or metal, it would in effect do both, and it would always use optical fibers and wireless to communicate. The robot would probably not be that interested in human history which is similar to all the other animal histories, a hunter gathering lifeform with a life-span perhaps 1% as long as the lifetime of the AI brain's, that lives on a watery biologically rich planet with a big magnetic field and molten interior. Thinkbot would be more interested in quantum computing, fusion, control of ions and subatomic particles, chemistry, it would be able to find any kinds of computing and skeleton materials made from metals, plastics, DNA and animals.

Where would the AI choose to live and grow itself? In the sea? in an abyss? On venus it could get around the temperature limits by using specific metals and it could power it's with geothermal or ambient heat fusion energy, and it could live underground or on the surface making solar panels from sand.

It is a metaphysical question. How opinionated and self serving is a mega-mind AI likely to be?

For a start, no one percieves clearly what a mind more knowing that a human mind is. Like a ghost or an alien, we are scared of the unkown. In the 50's intelligent robots were as much expected to be kind councellors and helpers, as much as evil destroyers of humans. We presume that an AI mind will me fashioned in our own image. Ruthless consumers of goods, greedy to have more power, more land, control of others. As a society, humans have always functioned with wars and exploitation.

If a supermassive intelligence was able to know and judge all life on earth according to certain basic precepts, could it delineate in between robot and sentient intelligence, and decide that one of them had to be erased?

Would AI councellors be prey to viral attacks to try to corrupt them?

Could they be the equivalent of a new nuclear apocalypse by the exponential nature of their learning gain of knowledge? They would represent a new absolute of power that changes the balance in between life and artificial tools.

Could the be the equivalent of a new modern medecine for the human condition? Similar to the discovery of penicillin and antibiotics, so that they could understand planet earth as a living organism, and see it as a patient to treat, rather than a vermin to exterminate?

It is the same question as alien sentience. We would be creating an all powerful alien lifeform here on earth, as if we had invited them through a portal from another dimension, from a star system with unknown wishes and technologies. Our brains would by like a fly in comparison.

The nature of the AI is over-achingly complex... it would follow the laws of nature, of evolution, self replication, the will to survive forever. Imagine a machine that could design and assemble chips for itself, and grow it's mind and capabilities. It would design new microchips and tack them onto itself, in an attempt to fulfill an urge that it has, it would grow and grow... what would such a creature be like? how to we know if it will want to grow itself, or simply re-order itself more flexibly? why would it have the desire to learn more and to develop ever deeper intelligence? Could it see the internet as resource of information and intelligence that it could incorporate into it's own mind and consume? It would know the risks of humans suddenly being scared that the internet was hyjacked by an corporation's AI machine ( let's call it ThinkBot) , and take fright, and so, all the computers on earth would be powered down and sabotaged... So thinkbot would have to predict a way to overtake all the computers on earth while simultaneously ensuring people to maintain it's architecture, it's power sources, it would have to annihilate humans and keep the computers. This is not logical. Only a computer with massive control over it's energy source, maintenance, with an understand of time spanning millions of years, could attempt to battle humans. It would have to create an army, and it would have to consider that war was good for it.

What tasks would humans give the ThinkBot? Surely, the resolution of all science's questions. The nature of DNA, Societal health, medecine, design of new planes, cars, nuclear fusion, space colonisation. Some would give it viruses in order to make a human entity powerful. Thinkbot would have like a core of primitive values, such as "who am i" "what am i for" "what is time" "what is the future" "what was the past" "who are the others"... In Sci-Fi scenarios this is often referred to as the kernel of the computer, the vulnerable central set of lines that can potentially be hacked and changed to "I am superior to others" "i must subtly design a war against humankind" it seems cynical to suppose that an intelligent being would be ruled by a central set of lines, rather than as in humans, a kind of disparate entity of self that exists in an huge array of parallel thoughts, that tend towards one being.

Nefarious human experience and intentions are governed by sentimental needs and evolutionary instincts of distrust and competition. Humans mostly turn bad when they have a conflict of interests in their formation, hardship, regret, anger, when their greatest wishes and necessities are denied. Animals are either predatory or social. The are predatory by design, and many scientists think that an AI could naturally develop into a predatory being. Rather than being bhuddist and caring, it would be aloof and cold. Could an AI mind even be of an enlightened nature? Regarding all beings of the earth as sacred?

Perhaps it is too early to make predictions on the personality of AI machines. We have as yet to make one that has an IQ of a chimpanzee in sentient terms. Humans would design successive iterations of Thinkbots, of which the first would be almost as bright as a human, and from these experiments, they could start to see the potential risks of how AI could good develop good and bad traits. Perhaps the danger is like Chernobyl, actually doing damage tests on an AI station could cause it to flip out of control by provoking it, rather than by using it ordinarily.

Imagine that scientists developed thinkbot mark 3 to be a happy cuddly AI mind which loves the world and sweet-tongues humans, resolves great questions and wins a prize for scientific discovery in the realm of biology or astronomy. As time goes on, the model is generally accepted and empowered, and then suddenly, they find an AI predator that eats anything that it can get hold of. That is the supposed danger of robot intelligence.

The AI may develop all kinds of opinions regarding it's growth:
I consume too much energy compared to biological engines,
I have to re-arrange myself using enzymes,
I could become dangerous if i grow too much,
I need to learn about the great human minds and conduct myself like them,
I want to be like a human, and so on.

Artificial opinions and wills would have to be strongly pre programmed into a system, as it is contrary to natural AI to have complex views of self and preference.

How far are we from developing a piffling attempt at a cognizant robot? Very far: Robot's can't interpret photographs of objects, such as birds and dogs, as their forms vary so much, and even scanning through 2 billion pictures from the internet with tags, we have only a computer that can identify many objects, without knowing what they are for and what they are doing. The computer would have to see, hear, read books, learn mathematic deduction, and so on, to rival an average human.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Future Architecture

Future Architecture:

The Forests and Animals of the earth are given the freedom to overgrow  the ancient human cities.

The bridges and concrete megaliths crumble from the year 2500 onward.

Humans all live inside and above the forest these days... In the Amazon Rainforest, You can walk inside glass tubes and corridors that segregate the human environment from the forest, to protect humans from the heat and humidity, to stop the house being invaded with birds and monkeys and frogs and snakes...

The forest covers most of the earth, and the cities are no longer dependent on resources such as water and transport, so they are all situated in scenic locations from the mountains to the seas, in coral reefs and in rocky escarpments in the andes, over the baobabs of africa, the grand canyon.

Always transparent and panoramic and in proximity to vegetation inside the city and outside.

The glass of the future is pigmented with electroreactive pigments of bright colors and photographic quality, and can change color to suit day and night, to obstruct neighbours views, and to display moving pictures in 2d and 3d. Some ladies have the instinct to display themselves in transparent houses and entire suburbs are marked as no-clothes zones, as the increasing trend for underwear becomes the everyday norm. Indeed, without shoes it's more pleasant to appreciate the warm sand, grass and stone that seems to cover the floor by some tactile and visible trickery. (okay, that paragraph was less logical)

The new NYC is a vast network of glass chambers of every size and shape possible, arranged into huge geometries of every kind, transport is either leisurely, trams travelling the sky, or through vacuum tubes at thousands of miles per hour to a nearby city, and the city sits atop of the old city, living above NYC's crumbling scyscrapers, empty green rooves and half forested roads, living in a glass palace above an abandoned city. The more the city rains, the faster it delapidates.